16 Wokingham Road Reading RG6 1JQ

Serving those in need since 1802

News and Donations

News and Donations

Office re-opening after refurbishment

On Tuesday 10 October 2017. The Mayor of Reading, Councillor Rose Williams, launched the recently refurbished office of Reading Dispensary Trust in Wokingham Road.

The Mayor, who is also a Trustee of the charity, welcomed current and past Trustees and representatives of organisations that work with RDT to help their clients. Jean Turton, Chair of the Trust, also spoke thanking everyone attending for their participation in the work of the Trust. The charity gives grants to those with any type of medical need to help them purchase items including carpets, white goods, mobility aids, furniture, holidays and other items. Applicants must live within a seven mile radius of Reading town centre, and should be referred by a medical professional or agency.

Jean Turton (RDT Chair) & Mayor, Cllr. Rose Williams

Councillor Williams said: “I am delighted to launch this splendidly refurbished office. Reading Dispensary Trust provides an important service to people in need in Reading, and refurbishing the office is all part of making sure that the charity can operate professionally for years to come.”

The newly refurbished office was formerly one of the dispensaries for the charity, opening every week to distribute medicines, medical advice and other help. Read more….

Recent Donations

May 2018

Working with the referring agency,  the Trust granted travel costs for medical treatment for a family member. This has made a huge change and has make the daily routine for the family far far easier than before.   

The cost was granted as a one off payment.

February 2018

Mother of son with medical need.  Requested help for the cost of driving lessons to enable her to attend his medical appointments and activities more easily and reduce their isolation.

A single person without family to support them. Recently rehoused by the Local Authority, the applicant had no furniture and has been suffering from long-term mental health issues.

Difficult to find work because of the problems.

Requesting a £300 grant for basic furnishings and a washing machine.  

The referral was via the Local authority.    

A 70+-year-old applicant suffering from and receiving treatment for prostate cancer.

Has moved into local authority housing and needs help carpeting their new accommodation. 

£385 granted to go towards carpeting

The referral was via the Local authority.


Female who is currently undergoing medical treatment for mental health problems, requested help with funding travel to appointments by taxi. 

An amount was granted  for a specific number of trips

Rubbish Clearance 

Single female supported by family member, has accumulated a lot of rubbish which needs clearing.  Funding for skip granted.

Carpet Cleaning

Single male recently moved into a new property, which is in poor condition, requested funding for cleaning of carpets £75.00 granted.

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